Root Canal Treatment – New York City, NY

A Solution for Your Tooth Pain

Five smiling experts in root canal treatment in New York City

Many people are nervous when they’re told that they need a root canal because they’re afraid that it will hurt. But in reality, the procedure itself causes very little – if any – discomfort; in fact, it will help put a stop to any pain you might be suffering from as a result of a tooth infection. Do you suspect that you might need root canal treatment in New York City for a persistent toothache? Give our team at JC Endodontics Root Canal Specialists a call today to schedule a consultation.

Why Choose JC Endodontics Root Canal Specialists for Root Canal Treatment?

  • Easy, Virtually Pain-Free Endodontic Care
  • Same-Day Emergency Dental Appointments
  • Team of Skilled Endodontists

Do I Need Root Canal Treatment?

Young woman smiling right before root canal treatment

Root canal treatment may be necessary if the pulp inside your tooth has become inflamed or infected. Dental pulp is filled with blood vessels and nerves; it’s usually protected by the outer layers of the tooth, but if harmful bacteria manage to reach it, the resulting infection can be very painful.

You might need a root canal if:

  • Your tooth is in severe pain.
  • There is a bump on the gums near the tooth.
  • The tooth in question is sensitive to hot or cold foods and beverages.
  • The gums around the tooth have become swollen or darkened.
  • The tooth is chipped or cracked.

The Root Canal Process

Model of tooth showing the root canals and nerves inside of it

A rubber dam will be placed to keep the area dry during the root canal treatment. A small hole will be made in the tooth so that we can access and remove the pulp. After taking out the infected tissue, we will thoroughly clean the inside of the tooth to make sure no harmful bacteria are left behind. The empty space will then be filled with a biocompatible material, and a crown will be placed to protect the treated tooth. There’s no need to worry about discomfort during this procedure; we’ll use a local anesthetic to make sure that your mouth stays numb the entire time.

The Benefits of Getting a Root Canal

Young woman in dental chair smiling at her dentist

By removing the infected pulp, we can save the tooth from needing to be extracted. The root canal procedure will also prevent the infection from spreading to the neighboring teeth. Thanks to modern techniques and technology, root canal treatment is virtually pain-free. And once we’ve placed a new dental crown, the tooth will be able to function normally again, meaning you can still use it to speak at important events or chew all of your favorite foods.

Understanding the Cost of Root Canals

Pink piggy bank and tooth model with medical instruments on blue background

However much you need a root canal, you might hesitate due to the price. The treatment certainly can’t help if you lack the funds for it. Still, the cost of root canal treatment varies by patient. As such, you’ll need to consult our dentists for an exact estimate. They can then explain the relevant pricing factors and our office’s financing options. If you want to learn more, just keep reading or call us for the details.

Factors That Can Affect Root Canal Cost

A 3D illustration of root canal treatment

At the initial consultation, we’ll give you an oral exam. This step lets us assess (among other things) the factors that impact your treatment cost. In particular, these things include the following:


  • Tooth Type & Location – Since teeth have varying numbers of roots, a tooth’s type and location influence root canal price. (For instance, molars have more roots than other teeth and are the most expensive to treat.)
  • Treatment Difficulty – Naturally enough, a complex root canal will cost more than a simple one. The former case will involve more effort and may even require a specialist.
  • Need for Preliminary Work – Aside from a root canal, you may also need a crown or filling. Should you get these procedures, your overall treatment will cost more.


Is it Cheaper to Pull My Tooth?

A closeup of a pulled tooth held in forceps

A tooth extraction does have a lower upfront price than a root canal. However, the former option is often more costly in the long run.


Remember, losing (or pulling) a natural tooth has major consequences. It usually causes negative changes in your bite, as your remaining teeth will likely shift out of place. Meanwhile, the resulting smile gap will raise your risk of oral health issues. These and similar effects (eating difficulty, general discomfort, etc.) will need correction from expensive procedures.


Given these facts, saving a tooth is more cost-effective than pulling it. You shouldn’t delay the root canal, either, as putting it off makes the need for an extraction likely.


Does Dental Insurance Cover Root Canal Treatment?

A patient calculating their dental insurance benefits

Actually, dental insurance normally will cover root canal treatment. So long as you’ve met your deductible, most plans will meet 50-80% of the procedure’s cost.


That said, exceptions do exist. Your policy may be different and have its own approach to coverage. Therefore, confirm your benefits before pursuing treatment. Our team can even help you do so.


In the end, your root canal doesn’t have to “break the bank.” So, learn more about financing it by booking a consultation soon!

Root Canal FAQs

A dentist meeting with a young woman who has a toothache


What Should I Do Before a Root Canal?

It’s best if you’re prepared for your root canal. As such, there are several things you should do ahead of treatment.


First, don’t have any alcohol for 24 hours before the procedure. It could negatively affect a root canal’s anesthetic. In that case, your mouth won’t be properly numbed for care. (This interference also applies to tobacco, so avoid smoking as well.)


Next, take an over-the-counter painkiller prior to treatment. It’ll reduce your discomfort as the anesthetic wears off. That way, you’ll have an easier recovery.


Lastly, get a good night’s sleep before your root canal. Going into it well-rested will make you less nervous. Also, sleep will make your immune system more responsive and help you recover quickly.


Do I Need Antibiotics Before or After My Root Canal?

Generally, patients don’t need antibiotics before or after root canals. Such things often won’t help with treatment or later recovery.


Remember, the root canal itself treats a tooth infection. It removes the infected pulp, ensuring your whole mouth can heal. So, you’ll only require antibiotics if you’re at risk of a post-procedure infection. (You may get a prescription if you have a health issue that increases your risk.)


To learn whether antibiotics are needed, our dentists will review your medical history first. They’ll then decide if the medicines might help.


Are Root Canals Painful?

When first invented, the root canal may have been painful. However, it won’t cause any discomfort now. Today’s tools and methods ensure this procedure is smooth and comfy.


For starters, modern root canals are meant to relieve pain. They remove infected tissue from within your teeth. In doing so, they eliminate the source of your toothaches.


Plus, the dentist will numb your mouth before treatment. (They’ll use a local anesthetic for this step.) That way, you won’t feel anything as the root canal proceeds.


At most, you’ll only face a little post-treatment soreness. However, this ache will fade within a few days. You can also manage it with over-the-counter pain relievers. (If the pain worsens, though, call us at once.)


How Long Do Root Canals Last?

As it turns out, root canals have a very high success rate. Teeth that get them can keep working for many years. In fact, many even last a lifetime!


Of course, the lifespan of a root canal depends on several factors. These include tooth damage and the time between temporary and permanent fillings. (If you take too long to switch to the latter filling, the tooth may suffer a re-infection.)


Given these facts, you should take steps to help your root canal last. In particular, follow your dentist’s post-op instructions and practice good oral hygiene.