Root Canal Awareness Month: How This Treatment Can Save Your Smile

May 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — rootcanal212 @ 10:27 pm
Patient at the dentist needing a root canal

May is Root Canal Awareness Month, a time to shine a spotlight on this often-misunderstood treatment. Root canals are important to preserve oral health, but many patients are afraid of it due to depictions in media. If you’re curious about root canal treatment and its benefits, continue reading. You’ll soon see how root canals can save your smile and why the treatment is essential.

What Is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure used to treat infection or damage inside a tooth. When the pulp becomes infected or injured, it can cause severe pain and lead to further complications if not treated. A root canal removes the damaged pulp, cleans the inside of the tooth, and seals it to prevent further infection. 

Why Are Root Canals Necessary?

There are many reasons you might need a root canal, including:

  • Pain Relief: Infected or damaged pulp can cause an intense toothache. Root canals eliminate the source of pain, providing relief.
  • Preventing Spread of Infection: If left untreated, infection can spread to other teeth, gums, and even the jawbone, leading to more serious health issues.
  • Saving Natural Teeth: Root canals preserve your natural teeth, which is always preferable to extraction because it maintains your bite and jaw alignment.

What Happens During a Root Canal?

Oftentimes, understanding a procedure can help reduce the anxiety around it. Here’s what you can expect from your root canal:

  • Assessment and X-rays: Your dentist will first examine the affected tooth and take X-rays to see the extent of the infection or damage.
  • Anesthesia: Next, local anesthesia is applied to numb the area, reducing or eliminating pain.
  • Removing the Pulp: The dentist then makes a small opening in the tooth to access and remove the infected or damaged pulp.
  • Cleaning and Shaping: The inside of the tooth is then thoroughly cleaned and shaped to prepare for filling.
  • Filling and Sealing: The cleaned space is filled with a special rubber-like material called percha and sealed to prevent re-infection.
  • Restoration: Lastly, a crown is placed on the treated tooth to restore its function and appearance.

Root Canal Awareness Month is an opportunity to understand and appreciate this vital procedure. Root canals save teeth, relieve pain, and prevent further dental issues. By learning all you can about the benefits, you can approach your next procedure with confidence and a smile.

About the Practice

If you’ve got an annoying toothache that won’t seem to go away, JC Endodontics is here to help. Their incredible team of knowledgeable dental experts is standing by to get you out of pain and into a brighter, healthier smile. Whether you need a cleaning, a filling, or a root canal, they have the technology and skill to treat your discomfort. Call (212) 737-6112 to schedule a consultation or visit the website to see a full menu of services they provide.